Prepare And Apply Chemicals To Control Pest, Weeds And Diseases

Prepare And Apply Chemicals To Control Pest, Weeds And Diseases

AHCCHM307 – Prepare And Apply Chemicals To Control Pest, Weeds And Diseases

Whether working as an individual alone or as part of a team/work group and working in liaison with other team members, a hazard analysis may be required under a safety case by organisation procedures or simply as being good practice. This might be done as an independent activity in order to identify hazards and the appropriate hazard controls, or it might be done as part of a broader process, such as identifying and applying for the permits required for a job.

Course Overview

This unit will provide you with an overview of integrated pest management and the knowledge and skills to determine if chemicals are required for pest control across a range of industries. The unit covers the techniques to correctly calculate chemical solutions, prepare and mix chemicals, calibrate equipment, and to apply them safely. You will learn the vital importance of complying with chemical label instructions and methods of application. When a pesticide is used, you are legally responsible for ensuring that it is used correctly.

Anyone who uses hazardous chemicals in their workplace or business needs to be trained in accordance with Occupational/ Work Health and Safety (OHS/ WHS) legislation.

This course is delivered and assessed on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909 by Remote Training Service Pty Ltd

The following units will be included in your certificate:

  • AHCCHM307 – Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases
This course can be delivered/assessed in the workplace or at facility organised by the training provider.

An individual undertaking this course with Allens Training Pty Ltd will need to demonstrate the following to be eligible for entry:

  • Language, literacy and numeracy requirements – students must be able to read and comprehend chemical labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDS). Writing is required to the level of completing workplace forms and producing any required reports. Numeracy is required to calculate the volume, rate or dosage of chemical(s) to be applied and the amount required to complete the work activity.
  • Physical capability to handle and use chemicals and chemical equipment, lift and carry some loads using equipment, and handle chemical spray equipment.
  • Visual acuity to distinguish chemical labelling information, plant and pet identification, and manage outside environments under cold and warm conditions.
  • Protective slip resistant footwear/safety shoes and long pants must be provided by the student and worn during the practical sessions and assessment.
Refresher min. duration240 minutes
Blended min. durationN/A
Face-to-face min. duration420 minutes
Online with face-to-face min. durationN/A
Individuals undertaking this course will be expected to complete both written and practical assessment tasks.

This certificate does not require renewal

Please note that enrolment to this course is made with Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909. Please refer to the student handbook located on the RTO website ( for all details relating to rights and responsibilities including complaints and appeals.

Assessments conducted during face-to-face training session(s) include:

Performance tasks:

  • Identify the need for chemical use
  • Prepare an application plan
  • Identify hazards and manage risks
  • Calibrate application equipment
  • Prepare, mix and load chemicals
  • Apply and clean up after chemical use

Theory assessment A written exam consisting of multiple choice and short answer questions to be completed at the end of the training session.